Friday, July 13, 2007

carmen... my god what a dump

me, felix and a few of his girlfriends went out for a night on town for some dinner at the indian restaurant shanti and then drinks at first pet shop sounds bar and then carmen. pet shop sounds was nice, but carmen... jesus h. christ. on a pogo stick. with a burning robe and a piece of pancake on his head. carmen made me realize i'm a horrible, disgusting snob.

as i slam my platinum card on the counter, standing with my new dr unagi jeans and maharashi sweater i overhear and stare in a bizarre mix of horror and fascination as a guy with pierced eyebrow, bleached hair and a shemag around his neck gets a drink bought to him by an androgynous looking boy/girl (i seriously have no idea). his excuse for his behavior, as he apologises to to mister miss, is "i only have $2,50 left this month".

i can honestly say i could not relate to a single person in that bar, aside from my friend felix.

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