Tuesday, July 17, 2007

running milestone

today, a milestone for me as a runner was reached. i ran for 50 consecutive minutes on the treadmill reaching a distance of 8.3km at an average speed of 10kmh.

go me.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Beautiful city

Stockholm by summer is really nice.

Friday, July 13, 2007

carmen... my god what a dump

me, felix and a few of his girlfriends went out for a night on town for some dinner at the indian restaurant shanti and then drinks at first pet shop sounds bar and then carmen. pet shop sounds was nice, but carmen... jesus h. christ. on a pogo stick. with a burning robe and a piece of pancake on his head. carmen made me realize i'm a horrible, disgusting snob.

as i slam my platinum card on the counter, standing with my new dr unagi jeans and maharashi sweater i overhear and stare in a bizarre mix of horror and fascination as a guy with pierced eyebrow, bleached hair and a shemag around his neck gets a drink bought to him by an androgynous looking boy/girl (i seriously have no idea). his excuse for his behavior, as he apologises to to mister miss, is "i only have $2,50 left this month".

i can honestly say i could not relate to a single person in that bar, aside from my friend felix.


What to do when the weekend looks dull? Shop your sorrows away. Adidas, maharishi and dr unagi jeans.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

caffeine levels running low

because my metabolism is so messed up, i'm trying to cut back on coffee. and all i can say, this just isn't working for me. when you're running weak, having a boring day at work, feel a cold coming over ya and just generally feel - at least i'm the kind of person who needs every working kind of stimuli to keep myself pushing on and not just call it a day before lunch.

also i farted in the elevator, that was fun.

A good night

Last night was really nice with some whisky, good food and the new Satoshi Kon movie "Paprika". Not my kind of film (the acid type of movie freaks me out)

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

it's aliiiii~ve!

my phone that we fished up from the bottom of radagast's pool has come back to life. letting it dry without a battery behind the exhaust port of the power supply of a computer seemed to do the trick. this saved me about $500 that i would otherwise have burned on a new one. and all my contacts and photos are intact! \o/
the results of this autumn's higher studies are in.

1. china program - reserve
2. computer science - accepted

i'm keeping my fingers crossed i get accepted at the china program cuz that's what i really want to do. what i don't understand about this system is that my previous merits have been disregarded and my grades lowered after i did my complementary year for LTH, even tho i had a vastly better academical performance during that year compared to my high school years.

keep your fingers x'ed for me.

Monday, July 9, 2007

my lower region exploded

it's a good day to be me.

transformers rocked

went and saw transformers today. the dialog left with a confused opinion where my brain couldn't quite decide whether the script was written with a feedback board of 7-year olds trying to deliver hardcore oneliners or if michael bay was trying to make a serious action movie dialog. the schizo dialog aside, it was a solid 2h23m of pure entertainment and i loved it.

and also, according to the cartoon network transformers name generator i'm an autobot and my transformer name is saberclaw.
stupid stores. how can there be a 1,000kr (~$150) difference between the webshops and the actual stores on the Sony Ericsson W880i? i need a phone pronto, i don't have time to wait for deliveries!

Sunday, July 8, 2007

party - when it turns expensive

radagast had his "birthday"/poolparty yesterday and i was of course there as the resident drunken loud jackass. before i hit the bed around 4:30am i had lost my very expensive and favorite shirt, lost my camera, my cellphone was gone and all my boose was mysteriously gone as well.

my camera found it's way back to me in the morning. my phone was found at the bottom of the pool. my shirt is nowhere to be found.

it was still one hell of a party.

Friday, July 6, 2007

stupid friends

we all have at least one. if you don't know who it is, chances are it's you.

testing youtube embedding

i guess the first day it's all about blogging every little piece of happening in your life. :-)

testing the youtube embedding feature with one of my favorite songs, Andy McKee's "Drifting".

nlite for streamlining windows installations

streamlining windows xp installations used to be a really bothersome process. but thanks to some crafty guys there's a freeware alternative for guys like me to make the whole thing a lot simpler. now i can slipstream SATA-, VGA-, NIC-drivers, service packs, hotfixes and make the whole installation virtually zero touch without having to bother reading tons of FAQs and howto's.


beastie boys rocked

seeing the beastie boys live was indeed unbelievably cool. if they ever come to sweden again, i'll go see them for sure.

First post

First! \o/